
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Life is a Journey....Enjoy the ride!

The Ride:

So, its around 2pm and I finally get to take the Z on the road for a real feel for her.....which lasted about the length on an on-ramp! Yay for LA traffic! What should take me about 3-4 hours takes me 5-6 hours to get back home to Las Vegas.

So now I get the joy of learning the clutch on the 5 speed in lovely stop and go traffic. Even though the AC worked, it didnt matter. T-Tops were off and windows were down to enjoy and show-off my new baby!

Somehow while in traffic I was playing with buttons and switches and anything I could play with in the car. This prompted the windshield wipers to go on. No big deal, if there were rubber on the wiper blades. Instead of a wiper blade, I had a wiper cutting tool. A nice, lovely, sharp wiper cutting tool that decided to etch two perfectly arced cuts into my otherwise perfect windshield! It was the original windshield I might add!

So yes, when red flags and sirens should have been going off in my head telling me this car is going to be a bad luck money pit....I ignored all the warnings. A new windshield was needed less than an hour after ownership! W00t!!!

The rest of the drive home was lead-footed as you can imagine. The etched window did have a lovely time screwing with my field of view, but it was a great drive none-the-less. Driving 70+, topless in Cali weather...need I say more?


  1. Sadly...I don't have many pictures of the Z stock when I got it. The ones I do have I will hav e to scan as they are real photos. Not digital....booooo...I fail
